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Company Profile
The company was founded in 1997, which have been being fast development and growth. Our business consists with production and sales of auto parts and we have built its own brands-"Baoqi", "Zhongjing". 
The company is the presidential unit of National Chamber of Commerce of Pickup & SUV. We are awarded the honor of "Honoring contracts and Standing by reputation" by local government.
The company has passed the international ISO9001 quality system certification. There are thousands of square meters of working space with nice environment in the company. We will do the best to make you satisfied with great confidence.  
Working Philosophy:
Management creates profit     Service expends space    
Innovation realizes self    Caring casts team
Company Vision: Absorbing talent co-creates value
Working Philosophy:
Promise first Res     Ponsibility in mind      Honest people     Earnest working
Quality Policy: Your satisfaction is our pursuit
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